Key Information - 91·çÁ÷Â¥·ï



What is Safeguarding & Child Protection ?

At 91·çÁ÷Â¥·ï, we are committed to the safeguarding and protection of all our young people, it involves:

  • how well students are taught to keep themselves safe, including online

  • how well the school protects students from bullying, racist abuse, harassment or discrimination, and promotes good behaviour 

  • the effectiveness of health and safety policies and procedures  

  • the effectiveness of arrangements to provide a safe environment and secure school site

  • how well the school meets the needs of students with medical conditions  

  • how appropriately child welfare and child protection concerns are identified and responded to by the school  

  • how effectively the school works with key agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of children

  • the extent to which the school ensures that adults working with children are appropriately recruited and vetted, and receive appropriate training, guidance, support and supervision to undertake the effective safeguarding of students

Please find our policy for safeguarding and child protection by .

Our Culture of Vigilance

Here at 91·çÁ÷Â¥·ï High school we:-

  • Believe safeguarding and protecting students is everyone's responsibility.
  • Have a culture of fairness and equality.
  • Care for each other.
  • Listen to our students.
  • Are mindful of the needs and issues around vulnerable children.
  • Teach our students to keep safe.
  • Support students and their families and carers.
  • Identify signs of concern.
  • Monitor attendance rigorously.
  • Communicate regularly with external agencies.
  • Train all our staff/Governors in safeguarding.
  • Keep all staff updated with new guidance and policies.
  • We collect and retain data on the school community in order to ensure they are effectively safeguarded.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our young people and this requires all staff, Governors, visitors, parents/carers and students to share this commitment.

We aim to ensure that all child protection and welfare concerns and referrals are handled promptly, sensitively, professionally and in ways that support the specific needs of the individual child. Through providing a caring, safe and stimulating environment which promotes the social, physical and moral development of all our students, we aim to foster an atmosphere of trust, respect and security, which allows our students to flourish and go onto lead positive and fulfilling lives beyond school.


Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Rachael Jones -

The Heads of Year Team, in partnership with tutors provide the central provision for student welfare within 91·çÁ÷Â¥·ï.

Click Here for contact information for our Heads of Year.

What to do if you have a safeguarding concern about a child 

First Response is the front door to children’s services in Bristol.  We may need to contact them if we have a safeguarding concern about a child and need to explore further support than what has already been offered from the school and other organisations.

First Response are responsible for assessing the concerns that they receive and making the decision about what action to take regarding them.  First Response will gather information from partner agencies that are involved with families that are referred.

First Response will decide whether any action is necessary and, if so, whether a family will be referred to the Families in Focus Team or a Social Work Unit for further assessment. 

The work of Families in Focus can include parenting programmes or support, mentoring as well as support with behaviour management or home routines.


Starting Year 7 and making new friends is one of the best parts of going to Secondary schools. However, sometimes this new responsibility is difficult to manage. We remind students about our commitment to be kind, the consequences of inappropriate behaviour and the importance of community. We will also signpost where they can go for support. Please use the resources from the UK Safer Internet Centre to help support you to have these conversations with your children at home -


Health and Safety

91·çÁ÷Â¥·ï, so far as is reasonably practicable, will provide a working environment that is safe and without risk to health, safety and welfare of all its employees. This also extends to students, volunteers, contractors, visitors and any other person who is on one of our sites or who may be affected by our acts or omissions.

All staff, students, contractors, volunteers and visitors must wear their employee, visitor or student lanyard at all times.

For our full Trust health and safety policy please visit the statutory policies area of the E-ACT website.


Children's Mental Health Week, 3-9 February 2025

Children’s Mental Health Week was launched in 2015 to shine a spotlight on the importance of children and young people’s mental health. The Children’s Mental Health Week theme this year is “Let’s Connect”, encouraging people to connect with others in healthy, rewarding and meaningful ways.

We have been using the PSHE programme with our students to discuss healthy relationships with others, how connections with others help us have a sense of belonging and how we can use our voices to connect with those who feel marginalised or disconnected.

Throughout Children’s Mental Health week we will be sharing daily tips promoting mental health awareness. There are also some helpful tips from mental health experts to help connect with your child on the . For more information about Children’s Mental Health week please visit

ChatHealth Text Messaging Service

ChatHealth enables students aged 11-19 to text a number and receive confidential advice on a range of topics including mental health and wellbeing, smoking, drugs and alcohol, bullying, body image, relationships and healthy eating.

Thumbnail ChatHealth Social Media[1]

The number for ChatHealth is

07312 263093

Open Monday to Friday, from 9am-5pm, during term time and school holidays – excluding bank holidays. It is an anonymous and confidential service although service users can be identified if a young person is at risk of significant harm.

ChatHealth was launched by the Community Children’s Health Partnership, which is led by Sirona Care & Health and partners. The service is funded by the local authorities across BNSSG and will complement the existing school nursing service.

Report Harmful Content


If you've experienced or witnessed harm online Report Harmful Content can help.

can help you to report harmful content online by providing up to date information on community standards and direct links to the correct reporting facilities across multiple platforms.

Support for 91·çÁ÷Â¥·ï and Students & Staying Safe Online

Please visit the below link for information about the range of support available to help safeguard our students, as well as information about keeping children safe online.


Communications with 91·çÁ÷Â¥·ï Staff

Please be aware that we do not tolerate aggressive behaviour or language directed at any member of staff – if this should happen, you will be given a copy of this statement and be asked to leave the school site immediately.

In cases, where staff are subjected to verbal abuse, aggressive or inappropriate language via a telephone conversation or email, these communications will be halted and blocked immediately. Thank you for support and consideration.


Click on the below links to read or download the documents.

Title Date
  • Safeguarding
    • 11/01/2022